"I Love Resumes!" Said Nobody, Ever.

(Except perhaps resume writers and old school career coaches!)

Everybody who knows my style of coaching knows that I truly detest resumes and cover letters, and I always advise my coaching clients to use networking as the best way to land your dream job.

How many times have you been in a meeting, professional or networking event, or casual environment, and someone asks you, "Did you bring a copy of your resume? I'd love to see your resume...Send me your resume…I’ll float your resume around my office…”

Do not send anyone your resume!

I forbid you to send it.

Tell them you're still working on it…that you'll send it a week from now, a month from now, ten years from now, whenever. But please don’t send it to them.

Instead, offer to send them a LinkedIn connection request and, at the very least, email them the link to your profile.

Your goal (and your only goal here) is to arrange a meeting, schedule a phone call, or at least to promote yourself in any other manner than sending your resume.

Why? Because your resume is just a two-dimensional representation of you. It doesn't showcase your talents and what you truly bring to the table or make clear what’s unique about you. When people ask for a resume, they’re looking for the lazy solution. It’s usually a way to sound helpful while avoiding doing anything to help you in any meaningful way.

Instead of sending your resume, ask for a phone call or an informal meeting.

Say, "Look, I'd love to send you my resume but, in the meantime, I expect to be near your offices next week, perhaps we can have a cup of coffee. I’d greatly appreciate your advice.”

Push for that meeting and then, during that informal conversation, explain how the skills you have developed as an athlete, an executive or during your collegiate experience can make an impact in the business world, and let her know that you’re looking to leverage those unique skills into a company just like hers.

The benefit of doing it that way is that you are not forcing her to agonize over how to get you into her company, and have her instantly tune you out, but instead, suggest that you’d like to speak with companies like hers. The moment she senses that her competition may hire you before she has a chance, she may spin it around and ask “Have you ever considered working for our company? We might have some openings here." And then you answer, "Absolutely. Let's talk more about what you’re looking for."”.

This strategy is super effective!

From there, your new connection may say, "Let me set up a call or a meeting," and you’re on your way to sitting down with key influencers, decision makers, hiring managers or Human Resources.

The resume should be your last line of attack, not your first. It's what they’ll ask for later in the process, after you’ve made a great first and second impression. Your resume is something to reference but not your lead-in. Tell your story, engage your audience, then later you can send them the script.

<<< Go to my new website here to download three valuable resources, my templates to use when inviting key influencers to connect on LinkedIn, my Networking Checklist, and my LinkedIn User’s Guide for those of you not fully leveraging all that LinkedIn has to offer!

You can also get the full spectrum of career advice that will help you transition from the playing field to the boardroom in my new book, WIN AGAIN! The Job Search Playbook.It's filled with over 150 pages of easy to learn and use tips and strategies, where you’ll discover how to define your ideal job and work towards it. You’ll turn strangers into allies and grow your network as you position yourself for interviews, negotiate offers, and anticipate your prospective employer’s needs. Yes, there’s competition in the corporate world, but you’re used to competing. You’ve already got an edge!!

You can join the WIN AGAIN social media pages, my LinkedIn GroupFacebook page and follow me on Twitter to be able to access exclusive content just for you.

I’d be thrilled if you share this with 3 of your connections, fellow group members, and on your other social media platforms. This is exactly how I pick up great tips and ideas from some of the other thought leaders here on LinkedIn, and I'd greatly appreciate any efforts you make to do the same.

Please leave any comments or questions below, would love to hear your insight and what strategies either helped or hurt your job search.

All the best to your success,
